A conical feed is a much better probe than the straight wire 1/4 wavelength dipole. It is made from a 20mm x 40mm piece of copper and rolled into a cone. It is slightly harder to make, but it is worthwhile.
Cut the red area from the copper and roll into a cone. Solder along the joint and solder onto an N-Connector so that the cones base will be exactly half way across the cavity. In my case, this was 22mm (including the bit of the Nconnector it was soldered to). I had to cut down the center of the Nconnector slightly.
Nb.The 10mm hole in the waveguide for the Nconnector will be too small for a cone probe. You will need to drill it out to 16mm. Do this in small increments, widening the hole one or two drill bit sizes at a time. It will make a much neater hole.